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About Us

हमारे बारे में | எங்களை பற்றி

We at Hemped India design, develop and manufacture hemp products for all your home, office and industrial needs.

What is hemped India. About us.
The story of Hemped India.

Our Story

हमारी कहानी | நமது கதை

We started off as an idea that one should be able to buy sustainable products as easily as the next thing available. It arises from our observation of available sustainable alternatives in the market which a lot of people could not access themselves. Thus we set out to develop products and materials to tackle just that. In our journey of finding what suits best, we stumbled upon hemp and the possibilities it offers. After thorough research, development, testing and several prototypes later we ultimately created our hemp composite.

Our Material

सामग्री | பொருள் 

We worked on the basis of the Indian system of objects being affordable, beautiful and long lasting. It is water, heat and termite resistant. It also has enough flexibility, rigidity and strength to handle all kinds of usage. Trust Us! We have conducted a lot of destructive testing to assure just that! Through our material, we have tried to achieve sustainability in both its meanings of environmental impact and long term use

The material of Hemped India
Hemped India's mission



उद्देश्य | பணி 

At Hemped India, our mission is to promote the benefits of hemp and provide high-quality hemp based products to empower individuals and companies alike. We are committed to using sustainable and ethically sourced materials and creating hemp products that contribute to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

दृष्टि | பார்வை

Our vision is to take hemp and make it a champion of all things sustainable. Through our innovations, we aim to redefine the perception of hemp and its diverse applications.

Hemped India's Vision

What we do!

हम क्या करते हैं | நாம் என்ன செய்கிறோம்

We create hemp products for daily life and beyond! Everything that we do has sustainability at its core. From designing our products, manufacturing and the packaging used, we have tried to be responsible, reuse our consumables as much as possible and also take into account end of life recyclability of our packaging. 

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