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Hemp Raw Materials

Hemp Hurds and Shives

Hemp Hurds


Hemp hurds, also known as shives, are the woody inner parts of the hemp stalk, left after the outer fibers (bast fibers) are removed.

Light, fibrous, and highly absorbent. They have a low density and a high cellulose content.

Primarily used in the construction industry for products like hempcrete, a sustainable building material. They are also used for animal bedding, mulch, and paper production.

Available in Bulk at Hemped India!

Raw Hemp Fibres


Hemp fibers are the long, strong, and durable fibers extracted from the outer layer of the hemp stalk.

Known for their strength, durability, and resistance to rot and UV light. They are biodegradable and environmentally friendly.

Widely used in textiles to produce fabrics for clothing, ropes, and sacks. They are also used in the automotive industry for composite materials, in bioplastics, and as a component in insulation materials.

Available in Bulk at Hemped India!

Hemp Raw Fibres
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